Monday 29 July 2013

OMG YES! MTV's Daria The Movie!!!

As a 90s kid I loved the shows that were out during that time. Cartoons were toons funny but relatable like Doug, Recess, Pepper Ann, X-Men, Batman: The Series, the list goes on and on. I loved Daria on MTV. She was soo cool to me even though she was considered a nerd on her show. Daria was a cartoon TV show on MTV about a really smart nerdy girl who was an outcast in her town, school, and amongst her family. She never got excited about ANYTHING! The show was just about her making her way through high school and never changing who she was to fit into some mold of what was cool or considered "normal". Daria was Daria and she liked it that way, and so did I! I was heartbroken when Daria ended and I wished they would've done a
movie. They gave the most idiotic show on MTV ever (Beavis and Butthead) a movie, actually they had a couple movies. I wish they would've given Daria her own movie. So when I saw this funny video online from CollegeHumor I was so happy but kind of upset when I realized that this was simply an elaborate trailer of a movie that was never going to happen. But never the less the
trailer (regardless of the fact that its FAKE) is awesome and Aubrey Plaza is the perfect actress for this part. She is Daria in Live Action form! The trailers hilarious and I hope someone makes a Kickstarter campaign or something to make this REAL!

Source: WetPaint

Friday 26 July 2013

OMG! In Gross News...Pedophiles and SOME Psychiatrists Are Asking for the Same Rights As Homosexuals?!

Hurbert Van Gijseghem, psychologist and
retired professor
of the University of Montreal

This is probably one of the most disgusting and downright creepy blogs I will ever write. I was on Facebook this morning trolling through my timeline and I came across a news article about Pedophiles fighting to be able to legally have sex with children. Their claim is that their "lifestyle" should be considered a sexual orientation not a crime. Here's an excerpt from the article that I want you guys to see so its going to in BIG BOLD LETTERS, here it is:
In 1998 The APA issued a report claiming “that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from childhood sexual abuse experiences.”
When asked if he should be comparing pedophiles to homosexuals, Van Gijseghem replied, “If, for instance, you were living in a society where heterosexuality is proscribed or prohibited and you were told that you had to get therapy to change your sexual orientation, you would probably say that that is slightly crazy. In other words, you would not accept that at all. I use this analogy to say that, yes indeed, pedophiles do not change their sexual orientation.”
The IASHS lists, on its website, a list of “basic sexual rights” that includes “the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.” Another right is to, “be free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior” and “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.” The organization also says that no one should be “disadvantaged because of age.” - To read the entire article click here

First off this is just wrong on so many levels. I saw this story and I just couldn't believe what I was reading. It weighed heavy on mind and I couldn't not post this to my blog. So here it is: You would have to be an idiot to believe that this okay? First off, homosexuality is between consenting adults. A child can not consent to something that it can not understand. Sex is a very complex physical action that can bring about emotions that are difficult to comprehend and navigate. Hell most adults have difficulty dealing with the emotions of sex so I know for a fact that children cannot understand it at all. Not to mention the physical aspect, it would be too much for a child to take on at one time and it simply destroys their innocence and sense of safety.

Being a pedophile is a sickness not a sexual preference. It is something that probably cannot be controlled and honestly that doesn't matter to me. But it is a dangerous and highly damaging sickness to the person who has it and the child that has to be subject to his or her perverse thoughts and fantasizes. To even consider this normal behavior would be absolutely destructive. And you would be doing an extreme disservice to victims who are mentally and physically affected by these individuals.

If this were ever to be considered it would be a travesty. And speaking of homosexuality as a something that is as perverse as molestation is wrong. Just because you don't agree with a person's lifestyle doesn't mean you have to disrespect them. Being gay whether a person chose it or not is not a perverse act. What CONSENTING ADULTS do in their bedroom is their business. There is no need for any of us to judge. That is up to god. So leave the gay community out of this discussion.

But I will stand up for children who may be subjected to a sexual perversion like this. I understand the psychologist are trying to understand but not at the risk of innocent children. I hope that this story is not getting any legs to move past just a discussion amongst colleagues. Thousands of innocent children are molested everyday by close family members, friends, other children. This has to stop somewhere. It may not be able to be treated but damn it don't subject innocent children to their perversions.

This is a insane gesture and should not even be considered. I AM 100% AGAINST THIS 100%!!!!!!!!

Y'all this ain't right! Read the articles, I'm telling you its crazy!

Source: Northern Colorado Gazette and Pat Dollard

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Throwing Major Shade! Rihanna Instagrams Subliminal Message to Chris Brown

Rihanna and Chris Brown via

Chris Brown did an interview where he was asked about his relationship with Rihanna and his other ex Karrueche. He was questioned whether he was with one of them or not. Chris quickly dispelled the rumors and explained he's not with either one but he's good friends with them both.

Well shortly after the interview went public Rihanna took to Instagram to express her feelings. Meme picture below:

It's hilarious to me. If this meme was a shot at Chris Brown, Just let it go. Got damn! You're a grown ass women get the eff over it! Find another dude to obsess over or rather date you've done it before i.e. Matt Kemp, Drake, etc. L.I.G. it Rihanna, seriously! It needs to be a done deal. Your relationship was toxic. Chris ended up in court and you ended up with a black eye. Leave it and him alone. Period!

Source: Bossip

Shots Fired: Lil Mo Digs at Stevie Wonder's Boycotting Florida's "Stand Your Ground Law"

Lil Mo has decided to make a statement about the recent boycott of artists against the verdict of George Zimmerman, but made a particular dig at Stevie Wonder. Look I'm all for freedom of speech and she shouldn't be stifled simply because people don't like what was said. But you have to be respectful. Lil Mo took to twitter to voice her disdain about the recent boycotts of Florida by celebrities.

She tweeted:
“Ever since the verdict, a certain artist is boycotting the state of Florida. The fans don't deserve to be deserted,” she tweeted. “If the coin was right, would HIS staff accept or deny the gig? And if so how would he know? They could say it’s sumpter, sc or nah?”
“TBH some artists have staff that dedicate their LIFE to that artist so when that artists expires the TEAM outta work. Think abt it b4 u buck,” - See more at: Cocoafab
Really Lil Mo? Really? This is disrespectful and unacceptable. First off he has a right to assert himself for something he believes in. I don't think boycotting Florida will hurt him in anyway he could be in any country in the world and make twice as much as he would in a concert in Florida. He's not doing this to hurt his staff or anyone he's doing this to make a point. Stevie Wonder is a world wide artist and phenomenon. Furthermore there were plenty of other artists who are refusing to have concerts or anything in Florida, people like Kanye West, Alicia Keys, Madonna, and Justin Timberlake just to name a few. But you didn't make any snide comments at any of them in your twitter rant, No. You singled out Stevie Wonder in a roundabout way.

Second let these artists deal with the consequences of their actions. If its hurting them they will just have to eat that cost. Why are you concerned your not boycotting this way so L.I.G. Its not about what you said its how you said it. You weren't sounding concerned you sounded like you were trying to put someone on blast. Like they were just doing this boycotting thing for publicity. I do understand your frustration but this how they feel taking a stand would benefit the community and make Florida understand that the people do have a voice. And by the way there are artists who are doing small benefit concerts and showing up to vigils, but others feel that this is a better way to show their severe disdain for the injustice of Trayvon Martin.

Let's be real here, Stevie Wonder didn't have to boost his career by getting on reality TV. So he's not missing a beat by boycotting Florida His music is timeless. No matter how many breaks he takes, he can always come back with new music or old music and out sell you and everyone else in the world without even trying. So fall back Lil Mo and in the words of The Rock: "Know Your Role and Shut Your Mouth" Let them express their voice the way they want. If you don't want to boycott this way that's your business. I'm not judging you but you can't judge them for what they decide to do for themselves and their community. #imjussayin

What do y'all think?

Source: Cocoafab

Friday 19 July 2013

Kanye West WANTED for Felony Attempted ROBBERY!!!!

There is a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Kanye West! I thought this was a joke when I read it but its REAL!

Apparently Kanye was outside LAX today and assaulted a photographer/paparazzi! The photographer was doing his annoying job by hassling Kanye about his current album Yeezus. Instead of ignoring the guy Kanye assaulted him! The photographer was injured and taken to the hospital. He pressed charges against Kanye and it was taken to the D.A. Instead of assault charges being filed, the D.A. charged him with Felony Attempted Robbery!!!!

Check out the video Here:

Don't know where the felony attempted robbery part came from but this is messed up. First off everyone knows these freelance photographers, paparazzi, blogger photographers, etc are so rude and invade people's privacy. There needs to laws put in place to protect the celebrities and their children from being bombarded and damn near killed. Its ridiculous and annoying. No matter how much money they have or notoriety they gain, they are still people and should be treated as such. Kanye, I know you're frustrated because everyone is in your business but this is what you have to deal with being a musician, actor, or celebrity. Its unfair I know but you have to keep your cool. Also you are dating a woman who is hungry for the limelight. She will do and has done just about anything to keep her name in the media. Understand your position in life and make your peace with it. Before you end up in jail with no career, no music, no girlfriend, and no North West. Think about it man, was beating this dude up really worth it? I don't think so.

Ya'll tell me what ya'll think are the charges justified? Comment below!

Source: UrbanDaily

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Shay v. Erica...Shay "Buckeey" Johnson @ The Breakfast Club Just Riding Erica. Hmm...Seems Like Erica was On to Something about Her Mouth

Well Shay is trying to keep herself in the limelight by busting Erica allegedly. Shay was on The Breakfast Club on Power 105 and she was there to basically out Erica and discredit her from being the victim of Scrappy's infidelity to alleging that she was the original cheater during her relationship with Scrappy. Mind you all the information Shay is spewing came from Scrappy. Just something to keep in the back of your mind. 

Now the reunion for Love and Hip Hop Atlanta was tapped last week. It was a lot revealed at the reunion apparently. One of the things Shay decided to share with the entire world including the Breakfast Club was that at the reunion Scrappy revealed how Erica was sleeping with a married man and got pregnant by him! Wow shocking! She also alleges that Erica cheated on Scrappy first. She claimed Erica cheated early on in the relationship and that's when Scrappy started sleeping with other women, that's when he officially began cheating.

Let me tell you why this information that Shay is releasing is not surprising. First off all Shay is doing all this because of something that happened last year. But her anger is misguided. Yeah she and Erica have words on twitter or whatever but on the flip Shay knew exactly what was going on between Erica and Scrappy and she didn't care about her daughter or Erica. Her main focus was getting next to Scrappy and being his main woman. When it backfired she turns into a scorned woman who vents her anger at the very woman she tried to burn.

If Erica was with a married man and got pregnant that was poor decision made her part. But does it surprise me, Hell Naw! I'm going tell you why. She chose to be with a man [Scrappy] and accept his proposal after she saw his infidelity on national TV and after he left her the first time for Diamond. So her being with someone else who was also unavailable does not shock me at all.

Shay is always on this tip of saying she does not care for Erica. But honestly who can believe you when you do shit like this? Your always trying to discredit her. Like your trying to prove that you're the better woman and everyone should be on your side rather than hers. Here's the harsh reality: NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU TRY TO BASH HER, YOU AND HER WILL NEVER BE JUDGED THE SAME. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE JUDGED AS A SIDE LINE HOE, A PART OF THE BOTTOM BITCH THEORY. ERICA WILL ALWAYS BE JUDGED AS THE MAIN CHICK WHO KEEPS MAKING THE SAME DUMB ASS MISTAKES AS FAR AS CHOOSING A MAN WHO YOU KNOW IS NOT READY FOR THE COMMITMENT THAT YOU WANT.

Shay here's some advice: Let This Shit Go new acronym L.T.S.G. I just feel like this doesn't do anything for you, your career or anything. It's difficult to take your seriously when seeing you act like a jester in the court, trying to entertain the masses. Girl pull it together go back to video modeling, male magazine modeling, etc. Do your work and be on your hustle. Find a dude that really digs you and wants you for you. Not some little boy who still sucking on his momma titty! Honestly I think your a cool chick but if you are blinded by dick that much then honey you have a serious problem.

Erica you seem like a strong woman and there is no reason for you to be fighting or putting up with this foolishness. Honestly I hope that you care enough about yourself not to entertain this nonsense. Shay is not worth your self pride and your daughter looks up to you. Is this the type of woman you want your daughter to idolize? I don't think this is what you want.

Just stop fighting with her. You don't have to be her friend. But you can be cordial. BE AN ADULT. There is no reason to fight with her. Sit down with her woman to woman and tell her this: Listen I know we've had our differences but I'm willing to let bygones be bygones just to keep the peace. There is no reason for me to argue with you or be fighting you. I'm done with it. I will speak to you and at least acknowledge your presence when your in a room but other than that we go our separate ways and move on with our lives.

Both of ya'll need to pull it together. Really, Scrappy is a master manipulator for ya'll (for some reason). He has a strong hold on you and honestly whatever the culprit please let it go. Here's the interview, I'm going to be honest it doesn't look like they welcomed her to the show it just seemed like the let her get on the show because she was there. Take a look for yourself:

Source: HelloBeautiful