Monday 8 July 2013

Like Sand Through the Hourglass....The Jumpoff of Kirk the Jerk, Mary Jane was on Big Tigger's Show

Shocker....(Note the Sarcasm), Mary Jane AKA Alexis is on every radio outlet and she's just talking talking talking! Her nonchalant attitude is crazy. Tigger asks her did you know he was married. Her response "Of course I knew. But she gave him a pass, they were on a break" She know damn well that's not even how it went down. But doesn't matter she doesn't keep this "nice girl" facade up for long once Bambi shows up! Watch in VIDEO BELOW:

This isn't the first time Ms. Mary Jane has struck up with the likes of Shaq during his marriage to Basketball Wives Queen Shaunie O'Neal. Back in 08 she filed a restraining against Shaq claiming he threatened her. In a radio interview she was quoted saying "A Man is Either Going to Marry a Hoe or Cheat on His Wife With One." Her former makeup artist and friend classified her as borderline Bi-Polar and a young mother. Claiming Shaq hurt her badly and strung her along under the guise that she would be his woman and he was leaving his wife. This charade continued for more than 2 years! Anyway that was a little insight into Ms. Mary Jane.

Now Lets Look at this Situation....

As a woman you expected a married man to be honest with you and committed to you while he was in a full blown relationship with his WIFE? Mistake #1. You then go on national TV about 5 years later (who knows how many married men you've been with in that time frame) and publicly PUBLICLY sleep with a man you know damn well is having issues in his marriage and on top of that you know HIS WIFE AND SHES PREGNANT WHICH U ALSO KNEW!! Mistake #2. Then you get upset because people are judging you and chastising you because of your disrespect for someones marriage. And decide to tell everyone in the world to "Hide you Husbands" Mistake #3. Then you capitalize on your trifling ways by going on every blog, radio and or TV show that will have you and discussing it like your talking about walking down the street. That's sad.

You are a poster child for women put their stock in a man. Stupidity is written all over your face. Basically putting a sign on your ass that says FOR SALE. Why couldn't you be a classy hoe and be private about it? Keep your panties on until the doors close or rather the cameras are off. You are constantly in a hustle state always looking for a man who has money to take care of you. Honey you are ratchet as hell. Do I think your Bi-Polar HELL NO! Until I see some proof of the documents you'll just be a dumb hoe, PERIOD. I'm sorry for the harsh words but you are not even trying to be remorseful for the woman whose life you just RUINED ON NATIONAL TV! Rasheeda may be a lot of things but at least she's real. I can't take that from her. I have to give her that. She's also pregnant with his child, have some respect for their relationship good or bad and keep your ASS out of it. And I'M THROUGH!

Sources: NecoleBitchie & zHipHopCleveland

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