Wednesday 5 June 2013

Kenya Moore is ALLEGEDLY being Evicted!!!!! Update!

The funny and all be it misguided Kenya Moore is ALLEGEDLY having financial woes. According to Kenya Moore's house has been served with an EVICTION NOTICE!
The sheriff's office served her with her eviction notice because she failed to pay the full May rent and she was being unruly, rude neighbor. Kenya Moore is also going to be served with a lawsuit from her landlord. He demands that the nearly $4,000 rent for June and more than $2,500 in eviction fees and damages be paid. According to Kenya only has until June 7th to respond.

And all of this is going to be news to Kenya seeing as how she hasn't been home in quite some time. Poor Kenya, your neighbors don't like you, you've alienated most of your cast, created a fake relationship, girl you going through it! Is this why you were asking for more money from Bravo? Hmm sounds suspicious to me. Anyway I hope you pull it together Kenya. See on Real House of Atlanta next season!

On WetPaint, they've found a tweet on twitter from Ms. Kenya responding to the recent alleged news of her impending eviction! Here's what she said:
“Good morning #teamtwirl! Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. #twirlonthat.”
Well some of these bloggers have pictures of the eviction notice tacked to the door so I think that she should've led with seeing is believing. Get it together Kenya! Like I said See on the next season of Real Housewives of Atlanta

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