Tuesday 26 March 2013

Omarosa's Fuming! LaToya Jackson & Claudia Jordan Better Watch Out!

Omarosa Manigault is no stranger to the drama. Being dubbed the Queen of Mean from her first stint in reality TV on the original Apprentice in 2004.

In recent weeks Celebrity Apprentice has returned and Omarosa, Claudia Jordan, and La Toya Jackson were all contestants on the show. Both Claudia and La Toya have been the latest of the fired contestants on the show but Omarosa has been stealing the spotlight with her recent feud with both La Toya and Claudia.

On Wendy Williams talk show Monday afternoon Omarosa talked about both contestants and it was not in a flattering way. Below is her appearance on Wendy Monday March 25, 2013:

Her feud with La Toya Jackson exploded because she had repeatedly implied (on both Celebrity Apprentice and various talk shows as well as Wendy Williams) that Omarosa had caused the heart attack of her late fiance' Michael Clark Duncan. Here are a few of the statements made by La Toya according to Contactmusic.com:

"She said he had a heart attack and, 'I know she caused it. He was on life support and she went in and pulled the plug."
"She's a conniving, scheming, cut-throat, probably pulled the cord on Michael Clarke Duncan.
Also Here's La Toya Jackson's appearance on Wendy:

Omarosa and La Toya had battled it out on the Celebrity Apprentice a few times. Omarosa plans to make La Toya pay for her crude comments, no literally she's making her PAY! Omarosa is suing La Toya Jackson for Defamation of Character (if your not familiar with the term it is described as intentionally false communication that is spoken or written to harm a person's reputation, respect, regard or confidence in which a person is held; or causes disparaging, hostile, disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person via thefreedictionary.com). Omarosa is serious about her plans to sue La Toya Jackson. In a recent interview on the Howard Stern radio show she was asked if the rumors of her suing La Toya were true and here's her response: 
"Not planning to, I'm going to. She said some really nasty things about Michael."
She also stated:
"I gave her the time to retract it and now we'll both be spending money on lawyers."
"Its only actionable if she repeats it. It called reckless disregard for the truth. She said it back in October. She's repeated it subsequently on all of these talk shows." 
Omarosa is going forward with the lawsuit. It is obvious Omarosa was not going to let this slide. Its no love lost and honestly these two don't like each other. So I expected Omarosa to do something like this.

Since then another cast member of the Celebrity Apprentice has thrown her hat in the ring with Omarosa. Claudia Jordan and Omarosa were close friends once. But with her recent conduct on the apprentice and some of the things she said in her appearance on Wendy Williams show, Claudia has come to realize that Omarosa was a wolf in sheep clothing.

In Claudia's case Omarosa was upset with her because at her late fiance's funeral she asked that no one take pictures at all. Claudia posted a picture of Michael's tribute on Instagram. Well when Omarosa caught wind of the picture she was upset. She told Wendy that she expressly asked that no pictures be taken during Michael's funeral and Claudia blatantly ignored her request. According to Claudia (who also had an interview with Wendy, notice Wendy is the common denominator here in this twisted web of SHADE!) Omarosa never told her pictures were prohibited and further more her picture was tasteful. Claudia said that she never even knew Omarosa was upset or offended until Wendy mentioned it to her during the interview. Claudia claimed Omarosa used Michael's funeral for exposure. She said there was a red carpet at the funeral, full on press, and even a professional photographer NEXT TO THE CASKET! Claudia also threw Wendy another tidbit to chew on. She said that during the taping of Celebrity Apprentice, Omarosa bragged about the money that was left to her by Michael. She even said she had access to Michael's charity funds and that if she needed it she would use it! GIRL!!!! I hope this is not the case. Cause if this is true its really distasteful and despicable. 

Anyway Claudia had no problem defending herself and on the show she seemed to be irritated just by the mere mention of Omarosa's name. Don't believe me...look for yourself:

I would like to hope that Omarosa wouldn't stoop so low to use her deceased fiance' as a cash cow and fame booster. Claudia also said that the two actually talked before the show and made sort of a pact to not throw each other under the bus and conduct themselves with dignity and class. But obviously somebody missed the memo on that one! 

It seems things are not going to blow over any time soon. So stay tuned I have a feeling that this is not the last of this hateful trios battle. Especially with the lawsuit pending!

Sources: WendyShow.com & Contactmusic.com

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